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Disposable Gowns and Tyvek Suits Needed for AHS’ Trauma and Field Rescue Teams!

Written by: Arizona Humane Society

AHS Uses 950 Disposable Gowns Each Week.

The Arizona Humane Society is facing a shortage of isolation gowns for its trauma hospital and intensive care units as these gowns have been allocated for human use only. At this time, it is unclear when AHS may start receiving them again. On average, AHS uses 950 disposable gowns per week for the nearly 18,000 sick, injured and abused homeless pets AHS takes in each year. Due to the amount of laundry already being done at AHS (12,600 gallons each week!), cloth gowns can be used but create additional logistical challenges. Additionally, AHS’ Field Operations Team comprised of Emergency Animal Medical Technicians™ and Animal Cruelty Investigators are experiencing a shortage of Tyvek suits used for hoarding cases and COVID-19 exposed households. AHS’ field rescue team rescues and assists 4,300 pets each year and responds to 7,400 suspected cases of animal cruelty alongside law enforcement partners. During this time, AHS is utilizing towels, aprons, cloth gowns and grooming jackets for areas such as AHS’ Bottle Baby Kitten ICU and Kitten Nursery, Parvo Puppy ICU, Isolation Areas, Mutternity Suites, Admissions Department, Ringworm Room and Animal Experience enrichment. AHS is grateful to the Phoenix Community Tool Bank who has donated approximately 2,000 gowns to AHS, as well as AHS volunteers who have donated handmade gowns recently. For people interested in donating, they can do so through Amazon Smile*. Details:

Purchase: Ship to: Arizona Humane Society - 9226 N. 13th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85021 Phone: 602.997.7585 *Make sure you are logged in to Amazon Smile to view the Charity List. There may be shipping delays due to COVID-19.

Purchase Disposable Gowns or Tyvek Suits!